Monday, 5 September 2011

Explore the lost worlds in the globalized world of Thomas Friedman

Thomas Friedman, is expanding its evangelization of free trade and globalization in his book The World is Flat. Isolate the different periods of history he calls crushers which paved the way for globalization and free trade. Thomas sabo charms

First, it ignores the fact that workers have no voice in the globalization process. International bodies like the WTO to control the flow of trade and money without any real democratic process. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans a subclass has been exposed. He also exposed a silent depression living in New Orleans that could be duplicated across the United States. Author and consultant for education Brian Alger outlines and Ray Tapajna News Tapart and art that speaks of the workers have no voice in their daily lives, even if they are at the heart of any economy. Ray calls "communications by rank".

Ray lost Tapajna explore other worlds in the Flat World of Friedman and points to 1956 as the year everything was upside down. Free trade is not trade as historically defined and practiced. In a sense, trade became a process of production and factories being moved from one place to another based on the cheapest markets work. No need for conspiracy theories to know that some are forced to start from March to globalization, where workers become commodities. In essence, this is a new type of slave trade with wage slavery. Thomas Friedman appears as the leader in March. Workers are placed in a trading bloc in the world to compete with each other to the lowest common wage slave and even child labor. How did it start?

The U.S. government sponsored and funded the relocation of factories outside the United States in 1956. It was supposed to be only a temporary program to help Mexico and Central America, while savings in turn provide American consumers with cheaper products. The program was never completed and became what is now called free trade. It took about 20 years to nearly 200 factories outside the United States. However, the numbers begin to increase significantly in 1992, more than 2,000 factories have moved to Mexico. He was known as the maquiladora program works. Sweat shops here have been created on the other side of the border with some companies sending segments of production that are no longer legal under the laws of pollution in the United States.

After the unfair trade of NAFTA and GATT were passed in 1993, the number quickly doubled to more than 4,000 factories moved to Mexico. After leading the way to get beyond these agreements, President Clinton had to rush billions of dollars to Mexico to rescue the peso. This shows the history of free trade to date was a history of failure.

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