Sunday, 11 September 2011

Famous filibusters in the political history

Slow down as a political delaying tactic has been a part of the American political process since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Although it has not been used in the early years of the nation, braking is used in hundreds of times since 1840. Here are some famous filibusters from our political history. Thomas sabo charms

The U.S. Constitution does not limit the duration or nature of the debate in the Senate or the House of Representatives. The House has already passed regulations that limit the length of discussions, because the house has a large number of representatives. But the Senate has always defended the right of a senator agreed to discuss a problem as long as he or she wants to conserve the soil. Senate Article 19 and Article 22, the closure rule adopted in 1917 to develop guidelines for discussion and to close the debate when it becomes long.

Senator Henry Clay

In 1841, Senator Henry Clay proposed a bank bill, opposed by Senator John C. Calhoun, who began a long, unending, rebuttal. Calhoun basically created the modern brakes. Clay threatened to change Senate rules to close debate on the issue. Clay, Mr. Thomas Hart Benton, rebuked Clay and accused him of trying to stifle the Senate's right to unlimited debate.

Through the next decades in the turbulent 1960's, the filibuster was used often by Southern Democrats to block civil rights legislation. The filibuster had been seen by the minority party as a tool to combat the potential "tyranny of the majority", but the frequent use of obstruction of Southern Democrats characterized as the "tyranny of the minority. "

Senate Rule 22

President Woodrow Wilson suggested that some limits be placed on the unlimited debate concept. In 1917, the Senate adopted article 22 of the Senate, now known as the "fence" rule. The new Article 22 provides the mechanism to close the debate on a bill and bring the project to vote if the closure was approved by 67% of the Senate. The 67% requirement remained in effect until 1975, when Article 22 was amended to allow a 60% agreement to invoke cloture.

Article 22 Closure was tested in 1919 when the Senate asked to ratify the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I. The treaty was debated and obstruction, but a majority of 67% voted to end the filibuster and bring the treaty to a vote.

Senator Huey Long

Senator Huey Long, the fiery and colorful senator from Louisiana, made the filibuster famous between 1932 and 1935 when he used several times to block legislation that he considered unfair to the poor. Long frustrated his opponents and entertained the Senate gallery by reading Shakespeare, reciting shrimp and oyster recipes and talking about "pot-likkers. "An amendment to Senate Rule 19 later required that the debate on legislation germane to the question under discussion.

12. June 1935, Senator Long engaged in his famous slow. Bill was before the Senate removed a provision of Senate confirmation of the Senior National Recovery Act employees. Senator conflicts of a long decline, he did not want his political adversaries in Louisiana to obtain lucrative NRA work. The Senator spoke at length for 15 hours and 30 minutes of operation in the late evening and early morning hours with senators dozing at their desks. Long read and analyze every part of the Constitution, a document that stated he had become "ancient and forgotten," the New Deal of President Roosevelt.

After reading the Constitution, Senator Long offered to give advice to the senators were on any topic of their choice. Not the Senator has long been on his offer, but the gallery patrons began sending notes to the senator on the floor for a long time on the unprepared. Who gave a long morning spent the night in the morning. At 4 am Long yielded the floor to use the bathroom, and his proposal was defeated.

James Stewart brought more fame after his role of Senator Jefferson Smith in holding the 1939 film "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." Stewart's character launched in response to slow to try to tease him.

Senator Wayne Morse

Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon was called "The Tiger of the Senate" and served in the Senate under 5 Presidents. In 1952, Senator Morse left the Republican Party, the state of independent claim because opposed to parts of the party platform and Dwight Eisenhower elected Richard Nixon as his vice presidential running mate. Senator Morse claimed that the Republican Party had left him.

24. April 1953, Senator Morse began to slow down legislation against the oil Casablanca. He gave the floor to 22 hours and 26 minutes, beating the record braking 18 hours held by his mentor, Senator Robert La Follette, Wisconsin.

Senator Morse is remembered by many colorful stories. For example, Clare Booth Luce, former U.S. senator and ambassador to Italy to resign her appointment when she insulted, but funny remark that her problems with Senator Morse began when he was hit in the head by a horse.

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